What to Expect

Thank you for joining us at Donly Dental! Our initial examination is a little longer because we want to thoroughly review your medical history, dental history, listen to any concerns you may have,  then proceed with a full oral examination, and subsequent discussion.

This examination is non-invasive but will tell us everything we need to know about the condition of your teeth, and supporting tissue.

This initial exam will include all of the typical examination protocol, like checking for cavities, and assessing the condition of (and ways to improve) your gum health.

We also will look for oral cancer, check your bite relationship, and do a Temporo-mandibular Joint (TMJ) evaluation,  among other details.

We will also be taking a variety of digital pictures of your mouth with a specialized camera that either fits inside your mouth or takes pictures from a distance

Need Help?

Let us know if there’s anything we can do before, during, or after your appointment.

See you soon!

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